“Visiting Grandpa and Grandma’s Farm” is a self-published book that was unveiled at the South Dakota Farm Bureau Centennial Convention held in Sioux Falls Nov. 17-18. The book was written by members of the South Dakota Farm Bureau (SDFB) Women’s Leadership Team.

“Our team wanted to do something special for the 100th Anniversary Celebration of SDFB. After one of our team members was taken from us due to cancer earlier this year, we decided writing a book portraying agriculture was a perfect fit, as she was a former teacher,” said Cindy Foster, Women’s Leadership Team chairman. “This book was a labor of love and we are excited to be sharing this as we celebrate agriculture in South Dakota and 100 years of SDFB!”

The book is dedicated to Jane Gebhart of Meadow, S.D., who passed away after a brief battle with cancer. Gebhart was a former teacher who enjoyed creating lessons focusing on agriculture.

Current SDFB members took every picture in the book – the majority of which were captured by the Women’s Leadership Team members.

Books are available for purchase for $5 plus shipping by contacting the state office at 605-353-8050 or by visiting www.sdfbf.org