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2025 Legislative Updates

SD Farm Bureau Legislative Update - Week 1 2025
SD Farm Bureau Legislative Update - Week 2, 2025
SD Farm Bureau Legislative Update - Week 3, 2025
SD Farm Bureau Legislative Update - Week 4, 2025

2025 Bill Tracker 


  • Icon: green thumbs upSDFB Supports
  • Icon: yellow road signSDFB Keeping track
  • Icon: red stop signSDFB Opposes

Bill Purpose
HB 1008 Include hybrid facility as a facility to be regulated by the Public Utilities Commission.
HB 1009 Provide for the creation and use of South Dakota educational empowerment accounts, and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1019 Eliminate certain property taxes levied on owner-occupied single-family dwellings, and to increase certain gross receipts tax rates and use tax rates.
HB 1020 Establish education savings accounts.
HB 1021 Modify the annual fee for concentrated animal feeding operations and to establish an application fee.
HB 1022 Prohibit the misbranding of any cell-cultured protein product.
HB 1025 Authorize the Department of Corrections to construct a prison facility for offenders committed to the Department of Corrections in Lincoln County, to make an appropriation therefor, to transfer moneys to the incarceration construction fund, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1026 Make an appropriation for the replacement of the Richmond Lake dam and spillway, for the general maintenance and repair of other state-owned dams, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1034 Make an appropriation for costs related to the suppression of wildfires impacting the state and to declare an emergency
HB 1036 Establish a minimum combined balance of the budget reserve fund and general revenue replacement fund.
HB 1046 Revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2025.
HB 1050 Authorize municipalities to impose a new tax to fund capital improvement projects.
HB 1052 Prohibit the exercise of eminent domain for a pipeline that carries carbon oxide.
HB 1063 Revise the provisions for preparing a fiscal note for ballot questions.
HB 1080 Void covenants that prohibit or restrict the possession or use of firearms and ammunition.
HB 1083 Modify the requirements for obtaining an agricultural processor's lien.
HB 1085 Establish a moratorium on the construction of carbon dioxide pipelines in this state and to declare an emergency.
HB 1086 Clarify a provision related to the award of punitive damages in a wrongful death action.
HB 1107 Prohibit natural asset companies.
HB 1109 Prohibit the manufacture, sale, or distribution of cell-cultured meat in this state, and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1118 Prohibit the award or use of state moneys for the research, production, promotion, sale, or distribution of cell-cultured protein.
HB 1119 Limit annual valuation increases on owner-occupied single-family dwelling and nonagricultural property.
HB 1120 Transfer certain moneys and to make an appropriation for the operations of the state library.
HB 1122 Amend provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code.
HB 1134 Make an appropriation benefitting South Dakota.
HB 1135 Provide opportunities for South Dakota.
HB 1136 Repeal the alternate realty improvement contractor's excise tax.
HB 1138 Reduce a maximum property tax mill levy on owner-occupied single-family dwellings for school district general funds, and to repeal certain sales tax exemptions.
HB 1151 Require that manufacturers of agricultural equipment allow an independent repair provider or an owner to make certain repairs to agricultural equipment.
HB 1156 Provide for the administrative approval of certain drainage applications by counties.
HB 1157 Remove the maximum fee limit due when applying for a county drainage permit.
HB 1165 Provide a means by which an agricultural producer can reject the imposition of an assessment on crops.
HB 1167 Make an appropriation for the development of South Dakota.
HB 1169 Modify the signature requirement for a petition to initiate a constitutional amendment.
HB 1170 Make an appropriation for economic development in South Dakota.
HB 1173 Eliminate the cap on assessment amounts for road improvements.
HB 1176 Provide the equine dental maintenance not constitute the practice of veterinary medicine.
HB 1179 Clarify certain labeling and sales requirements for homemade food items.
HB 1183 Amend the other revenue base amount available to certain school districts.
HB 1187 Authorize the sale of home-processed poultry and pork by producers who verify compliance with food safety training requirements.
HB 1190 Require an ownership disclosure for any non-individual entity that exercises eminent domain.
HB 1191 Subject advertising services to a gross receipts tax, and to allocate proceeds to property tax relief.
HB 1194 Authorize the cooperation of counties for purposes of operating an office of county director of equalization.
HB 1199 Repeal a provision requiring the sale of property acquired by tax deed.
HB 1213 Increase the maximum amount allowable for the livestock ownership inspection fee and to declare an emergency.
HB 1215 Provide rulemaking authority for the licensure of fishing guides, hunting guides, and outfitters, and to provide a penalty.
HB 1228 Require an environmental impact statement from applicants seeking a carbon dioxide transmission facility permit from the Publick Utilities Commission of the State of South Dakota.
HB 1229 Provide an exemption from certain property taxation for owner-occupied single-family dwellings, and to limit the taxes due on property over the previous year.
HB 1234 Revise the requirements for content reported on a property tax bill.
HB1235 Reduce a limit on the annual increases of property tax revenues payable to certain taxing districts, and to subject school districts to a limit on property taxes collected in a year.
HB 1236 Expand the safety zone within which hunting and trapping are restricted.
HB 1241 To reduce the growth in the assessed value of owner-occupied property tax assessments.
HB 1243 Require an ownership disclosure for any non-individual entity that exercises eminent domain.
HB 1246 Require the director of equalization to adjust certain agricultural land values.
HB 1249 Protect landowners from the use of deception, fraud, harassment, intimidation, misrepresentation, or threat, in acquiring easements for linear infrastructure.
HB 1251 Establish the minimum compensation for an easement obtained through the exercise of eminent domain for a project affecting multiple landowners.
HB 1261 Provide the board of commissioners with authority over certain intra-county land uses and construction projects.
HB 1262 Terminate bounty payments for nest predators, transfer moneys to the general fund, and declare an emergency.
HB 1266 Attach the South Dakota Brand Board to the Office of School and Public Lands.
HJR 5001 Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, conditioning the requirement of expanded Medicaid on the level of federal medical assistance.
HJR 5003 Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, requiring a constitutional amendment receive an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the votes cast before the measure is enacted.
HJR 5004 Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election amendments to the Constitution to the State of South Dakota, increasing the number of required signatures on a petition to initiate an amendment or measure.
SB 14 Revise and repeal provisions related to agricultural production facilities and to provide a penalty therefor.
SB 15 Expand the policy advisory committee for animal damage control.
SB 33 Make appropriations for water and environmental purposes and to declare an emergency.
SB 34 Update the roles of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Department of Public Safety regarding burning and burn permit issuing authority.
SB 44 Modify tax refunds for elderly persons and persons with a disability, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 49 Prohibit the exercise of the right of eminent domain for the construction of certain facilities.
SB 50 Prohibit the use of drones for purposes of assessing real property for taxation, and to provide a penalty therefor.
SB 55 To revise property tax levies for school districts and to revise the state aid to general and special education formulas.
SB 56 Authorize the payment of lease rental obligations to the South Dakota Building Authority by the Bureau of Finance and Management, to make an appropriation therefore, and to declare an emergency.
SB 69 Revise provisions related to trusts.
SB 70 Modify the maximum sparsity benefit a sparse school district is eligible to receive.
SB 85 Provide property tax relief to certain senior owners of owner-occupied single-family dwellings.
SB 87 Address preauthorization requirements for certain health care services and utilization review requirements for certain health benefit plans.
SB 91 Revise the requirements for a petition to initiate a measure or constitutional amendment or to refer a law.
SB 92 Require that the secretary of state review an initiated measure and determine if the measure embraces more than one subject.
SB 95 Make an appropriation to the Department of Revenue for distribution to county rural access infrastructure funds and to declare an emergency.
SB 101 Provide a tax credit to limit the taxes due on property over the previous year.
SB 108 Reduce the magawattage requirement for energy conversion facilities governed by chapter 49-41B.
SB 120 Update the membership of the Animal Industry Board to include poultry producer.
SB 121 Reduce maximum values for certain property taxes levied on owner-occupied single-family dwellings, and the increase the rates for certain gross receipts taxes and use taxes.
SB 134 Provide limitations on liability and damages caused by wildfire.
SB 136 Make an appropriation to enhance the economic health of South Dakota.
SB 137 Make an appropriation for the economic development of South Dakota.
SB 138 Make an appropriation for developing the economic viability of South Dakota.
SB 141 Distinguish between new construction and improvements to existing structures for purposes of calculating increases in revenue payable from property taxes.
SB 144 Require legislative approval for significant capital expenditures by the Department of Game, Fish and Parks.
SB 153 Require that expenditures from the department of game, fish and parks fund be budgeted through the general appropriation bill.
SB 155 Reduce the amount of net receipts of unclaimed property deposited into the general fund.
SB 169 Require that taxing districts hold a public hearing when increasing property tax revenues relative to the previous year.
SB 170 Authorize the South Dakota Brand Board to enter a memorandum of understanding with any Indian Tribe for the investigation of cattle theft.
SB 190 Establish an education property tax credit program.
SB 191 Limit annual valuation increases on owner-occupied single-family dwellings.
SB 198 Enhance environmental conservation in Sout
SB 202 Create the water infrastructure development fund.
SB 207 Freeze property tax revenues and assessments for two years.
SB 208 Amend provisions pertaining to a school district's proposed opt out, capital outlay certificate, or other agreement.
SB 211 Revise and clarify notice and hearing procedures of the Public Utilities Commission.
SB 212 Require that pipeline applicants acquire county permits prior to submission of a permit application to the Public Utilities Commission.
SB 213 Exempt any food grow, raised, or otherwise produced in this state from state sales tax.
SB 214 Repeal the expiration of a reduction in certain gross receipts and use tax rates.
SB 215 Remove the prohibition against a landowner having an easement on the landowner's property
SB 216 Reduce the growth in the assessed value of owner-occupied tax assessments.
SJR 501 Providing legislative approval for a future use water permit application by the Western Dakota Regional Water System.
SJR 502 Applying to the United States Congress for a convention of the states to propose amendments to the United States Constitution regarding the imposition of fiscal restraints on the federal government, further limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government and limiting the term of office for members of Congress and other federal officials.
SJR 504 Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, requiring a number of signatures on a petition to initiate a constitutional amendment be obtained from each county.
SJR 506 Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, limiting to a flat rate the real property taxes.

Contact for Questions

Krystil Smit
SDFB Executive Director
Email: k.smit@sdfbf.org
Cell: (605) 261-2960

Matthew Bogue
SDFB State Public Policy Director
Email: matthew@sdfbf.org