Farm and ranch families who have owned their land for a century or more were honored at the 2019 South Dakota State Fair, receiving a Century, Quasquicentennial or Sesquicentennial Farm and Ranch award from South Dakota Farm Bureau (SDFB) and South Dakota Department of Agriculture (SDDA).


This year, 64 families were honored with the Century Farm award for 100 years of ownership; 21 were honored with the Quasquicentennial award for 125 years of family ownership; and two were honored with the Sesquicentennial award for 150 years of family ownership.


Since the program began honoring families in 1984, South Dakota Farm Bureau and the South Dakota Department of Agriculture have recognized over 3 thousand farm and ranch families.


More details about the program and photos of this year’s honorees can be found at


Century Farms  2019




Appelhof, Chad Deuel
Bailey, Shirley Gregory
Bainbridge, Lewis & Charlene Davison
Becker, James & Julie Hand
Benson, Donald Turner
Besler, Wayne & Barbara Perkins
Bitterman, Douglas Charles Mix
Bracht, Dorothy Grant
Brennan, Edward Grant
Callies Farms Family Partnership Miner
Couch, Vivian McCook
Eidsness, Myron & Diane Codington
Epp, Pam & Ray Yankton
Gross, Gwen Lynn Sandvik (2) Day
Haaland, Ruth Ann (Curran Homestead) Roberts
Halse, Larry & Linda Codington
Henry, Lois Faulk
Hofer, Carlos Hutchinson
Hofer, Marsha Spink
Hofer, Rick & Dwayne Corp. Sully
Hovland, Steve & Michelle Pennington
Joachim, Alan Sully
Johnson, Richard E. Miner
Karst, Duane & Marilyn Walworth
Klein, Elroy & Patsy Roberts
Kokesh Jr, Michael & Jan Charles Mix
Koskan, Robert (Koskan Farms) Mellette
Krogman, Carolyn Haakon
Landreth, Thomas & Lucas Marshall
Langum, Daniel Brookings
Lapka, Jerome & Roxana McPherson
LaRosh, Thomas & Nola Sully
Lee, Patricia A. Yuill Butte
Lewandowski, Donald J. Day
Liechti, Donald B Faulk
Link, Dale Charles Mix
Meadowlark Place LLP (Greenwalt Ranch) Pennington
Meiners, Charles Custer
MoDak Dairy, Inc./James & Greg Moes Codington
Morrison, James & Susan Clay
Mossion, James, Susan & Marcia Clay
Murphy, Robert C Family Trust Meade
Nowotny, Eric Aurora
Oedekoven, Ricky & Carla Meade
Parks, LeRoy & Jean Butte
Patterson, Paul & Katherine Jones
Pesek Farm - Florence, Elaine & Joyce Bon Homme
Peterson, Bernell & Audrey Clay
Raasch, Jerry & Andys Hamlin
Rawden, Jeremy & Amanda Edmunds
Reil, LaVern Roberts
Rohde, Ryan & Julie Tripp
Rokusek, Gary & Tammy Jo Charles Mix
Sedlacek, Nathan & Blair (Determan) Gregory
Shoemaker, Dale & Patricia Beadle
Sorensen, Heidi Moody
Stahl, Peggy McCook
Strasser, Delton & Vernette Roberts
Swanson, James Dale Roberts
Tetzlaff, Laverne Hamlin
Thompson Family Farm, LLC   (Wilder) Lake
Toennies, Tim & Tom Faulk
Van Zee, Delmar & Virginia Hand


Quasquicentennial 2019  
Aune, Karen Yankton
Buck, Ed & Nancy Moody
Christensen, Doyle Turner
Anderson, Monte L. Marshall
Heyd, Harvey McPherson
Hoscheid, Scot & Mary (Simmons Family) Spink
Hoscheid, Thomas & Elizabeth (Simmons Fam) Spink
Johnson, John G. Perkins
Kemink Brothers Properties, LLC Hamlin
Kopplin, Bruce & Anita Spink
Mach, Kenneth & Diana Bon Homme
Morrison, James, Susan & Marcia Clay
Duxbury, Rose Hand
Radtke, Jerome & Darlene Codington
Roth, Mike & Jenne Hutchinson
Sandquist, Gary R. Spink
Siefkes, Allen & Karen Brown
Siefkes, David & Richard Brown
Smith, Gilbert & Mabel Turner
Tvinnereim, Corey & Tina Kingsbury
Wagner, Ellen Kay Halbig Hand


Sesquicentennial 2019

Hagen, Carol Ann & Allan Union
Jensen, Nels & Mary Clay