Future of Agriculture in South Dakota Focus of South Dakota Farm Bureau Centennial Convention
Learn about markets, cyber threats and ag issues Nov. 18 at Sioux Falls Convention Center
South Dakota Farm Bureau (SDFB) will spend the second day of their Centennial Convention on November 18, 2017 learning about the future of the agriculture industry.
The 2-day event, which kicks off on Friday, November 17 with a SDFB business session and unique foodie event at the Sioux Falls Convention Center, will dedicate Saturday activities on what’s in store for the next 100 years for South Dakota’s number one industry.
“We have brought in interesting national speakers that will allow us to look ahead to the next 100 years of our industry and focus on important topics such as grain and livestock market outlooks as well as cyber security and online vulnerabilities that are becoming a way of life as our business gets more involved in technology for our day-to-day operations,” said Krystil Smit, SDFB Executive Director. “In addition, we have put together a S.D. Ag Industry Panel that will allow us to discuss issues facing the respective ag sectors in the future.”
Market analysts Mike Pearson from TV’s “Market to Market” and Matt Roberts, economics professor at The Ohio State University, start the day at 9 a.m. with a grain and livestock outlook seminar. Pearson grew up on the family farm in south-central Iowa. His experience includes banking with an emphasis on agriculture and residential lending. Roberts has experience as a commodity broker and spent time in the Office of the Chief Economist at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in Washington, D.C. He has been on staff at Ohio State since 2001.
At noon, Mark Lanterman with Computer Forensic Services will address the crowd with information on cybersecurity. Lanterman has more than 25 years of experience in digital forensics and has provided education and training to a variety of audiences. Lanterman will share insights about vulnerabilities to cyber crime, data breaches and cyber security trends.
Newly appointed Farm Service Agency state director Paul Shubeck of Centerville, S.D., will also address the luncheon crowd.
A S.D. Ag Industry Panel will conclude the day session with discussions on key policy issues on the horizon, including the farm bill, tax policy, energy and livestock issues. Panel members include representatives from South Dakota Farm Bureau, South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association, South Dakota Corn Growers Association, South Dakota Soybean Association and South Dakota Pork Producers Council.
Tom Steever, with Brownfield Ag News will serve of master of ceremonies for the 2-day Centennial Celebration. Steever, who was recently named Farm Broadcaster of the Year, spent the first 19 years of his career at KSOO Radio in Sioux Falls, and delivered market reports on several television and radio stations on behalf of the Sioux Falls Stockyards.
All activities are held at the Sioux Falls Convention Center. Cost to attend the Saturday event for all events, including the Saturday night banquet is $100. To take in the speakers only on Saturday is $50; or the formal banquet only is $50.
A trade show will take place both days and the highlight of the 100-year celebration will be a Centennial Convention Formal Gala on Saturday at 5:30 p.m. A complete schedule is available at www.sdfbf.org. To register please contact the state office at 605-353-8050.