Informational Presentation on Carbon Credits Next Stop for SDFB Summer Event Series
An informational session on ag carbon markets and carbon credits will be discussed in Martin, S.D., on June 18, 2024, at the Crossroads Inn. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. MT and will include a complimentary meal followed by a presentation by Kelsey Miller of Agoro Carbon.
Agoro Carbon partners with farmers and ranchers to capture value from the ag carbon market by implementing practice changes in their operations that allow for certified carbon credits. Stephens will provide information on carbon credits and help producers understand what they should know before signing any contracts.
The Crossroads Inn is located at 102 1st Ave, Martin, S.D. For more information, please contact Lowell Mesman at 605-280-1319.
The event in Martin is hosted by South Dakota Farm Bureau (SDFB) and county Farm Bureaus in District 6 as part of its Summer Event Series. The series includes various activities that county members organize in Farm Bureau districts.
This series aims to provide farmers and ranchers throughout the state with educational opportunities and access to top experts and thought leaders. All events are open to the public.
South Dakota Farm Bureau is divided into seven geographical districts. Each district is made up of counties in the respective area and is led by an elected district director who serves on the SDFB state Board of Directors. To view the counties in each district, view a map here. The event on June 18 is being held in District 6.
Additional activities taking place during the SDFB Summer Event Series across the state will be announced soon and can be found at or by following SDFB on Facebook.