Jensen Elected to Farm Bureau Board of Directors

Reid Jensen, a Burbank, S.D. producer, was elected to serve on the South Dakota Farm Bureau Board of Directors at the organization’s recent Centennial Convention.

Jensen will represent District 1 which includes Bon Homme, Clay / Union, Hutchinson, Lincoln, Turner and Yankton counties. Jensen succeeds Richard Vasgaard of Centerville, S.D., who termed off of the SDFB Board of Directors after serving eight years.

Jensen and his wife, Marilyn, have four sons and have a diversified farming operation near Burbank.

South Dakota Farm Bureau is governed by an 11-member state board of directors, including one representative from each of the state’s seven districts, the SDFB Women’s Leadership team chair and the Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee chair(s).

More information about SDFB can be found at