Parades, great entertainment and free ice cold water are just a few of the ways South Dakota Farm Bureau (SDFB) will be “Experiencing the Magic” at the 2018 South Dakota State Fair.

“SDFB is pleased to be back at the State Fair and will be hosting activities all week along Farm Bureau Avenue on 3rd Street,” said Krystil Smit, SDFB Executive Director. “We will have some new activities as well as some traditional ones that are sure to provide fun for fair-goers of all ages.”

Parades on Farm Bureau Avenue

Parades will take place Saturday and Sunday along Farm Bureau Avenue on 3rd Street.

·      Classic Car Parade – Saturday, September 1 at 10 a.m.

·      Antique Tractor Parade – Sunday, September 2 at 10 a.m.

Great Entertainment

Farm and ranch families who have owned their family farm or ranch for 100, 125 and 150 years will be recognized at  the Century Farm Recognition program on the Farm Bureau Dakotaland Stage on Thursday, Aug. 30 at 10 a.m. This kicks off five days of great entertainment taking place on the stage throughout the fair. For a complete schedule visit the State Fair Event Guide.

Free Ice Cold Water and Let Your Voice be Heard

Stay hydrated while you enjoy the South Dakota State Fair, compliments of South Dakota Farm Bureau. Pick up a free bottle of ice cold water at the SDFB booth located on the west end of Farm Bureau Avenue. Also, learn more about a new SDFB student membership program and take part in a fun interactive poll for your favorite candidate for U.S. House and S.D. Governor!

More information about SDFB can be found at To learn more about the South Dakota State Fair visit