It is hard to believe we are in the final days of 2019. It has been a long difficult year for many of us, and unfortunately, we will be feeling the hangover from 2019 well into 2020.


As we do look ahead, we will be working on many of the same issues and profitability will continue to be a concern. It would be nice to get USMCA passed before we enter into an election year. I am still hoping for a Christmas miracle in December!


I was very impressed with the delegate session at our annual convention. We should all be proud to be part of an organization that creates our policy book, or our marching orders for the coming year, from the grassroots.


As the South Dakota Legislative session begins we will be closely following many issues including livestock development and property taxes. I believe we are making progress visiting with other livestock groups, the Governor’s office and the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources.


We are also very involved with the discussion on property taxes. The system we currently have has just been fully implemented. Any adjustments must be well thought out and without negative consequences.


Looking ahead, I want to remind everyone about the American Farm Bureau Annual Convention coming up January 17-22, in Austin, Texas. If you would still like to attend, please contact Julie at the state office. We will hold a special centennial celebration during the convention, so it would be a great time to go.


Another date to remember is the SDFB Day at the Capitol on February 11, 2020 in Pierre.


I want to continue attending as many county and district meetings as possible in the coming year. Please let either me or the state office know as you get meetings scheduled.


Finally, as we enter the Christmas season, I want to encourage you to not focus on the difficulties of this past year, but take time to celebrate Christmas and its true meaning.  It’s our faith and our families that really matter.  


Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and the best for 2020!