Bryan Moes of Florence, placed among the Top 10 contestants in the Young Farmer and Rancher (YF&R) Excellence in Agriculture Competition at the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Virtual Convention that was held January 11-13, 2020.

“It was an honor to represent South Dakota and compete in the Excellence in Agriculture competition and was especially exciting to make the Top 10,” said Moes. “Although it was a bit different not meeting in person, I really enjoyed getting to know the great group of competitors virtually and I look forward to staying in touch with them.”

The Excellence in Agriculture competition recognizes young farmers and ranchers who do not derive the majority of their income from an agricultural operation, but who actively contribute and grow through their involvement in agriculture, their leadership ability and participation in Farm Bureau and other organizations.

Voting delegates who represented SDFB at the policy session included Scott VanderWal, Volga, Jeffery Gatzke of Hitchcock and Cindy Foster, Fulton. Nick Inhen, Tulare served as an alternate.

Farm Bureau members from across the country took part in the first ever virtual convention which included a variety of influential speakers, workshops and a virtual tradeshow.

More information on South Dakota Farm Bureau can be found at