“Staying Safe on Jaxon’s Farm” and “Full of Beans” were unveiled this past weekend as the SDFB Women’s Leadership Team (WLT) Books of the Year. The Book of the Year presentation is held each year as part of the Sharing Our Harvest luncheon at the SDFB Annual Convention.

“We were honored to have two books to share as our Book of the year for 2020,” said Cindy Foster, SDFB WLT Chairman. “2020 has been a different year and we have found more kids are reading as they look for new activities to do at home. It seemed fitting to have two good books that share the story of agriculture.”

“Staying Safe on Jaxon’s Farm” tells the story through seven-year-old, Jaxon, how to be safe on the family farm. “Full of Beans” shows how Henry Ford displayed great innovation with his determination to build a car, and many other products, from soybeans.

Books are available for purchase by contacting the state office at 605-353-8050 or by emailing, heather@sdfbf.org.

As part of the luncheon, $1,364 was raised that will be presented to Feeding South Dakota to help provide food to families in need.

To learn more about the Women’s Leadership Team visit sdfbf.org.