South Dakota Farm Bureau (SDFB) applauds the recent decision by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to move up the date producers can hay, graze and chop cover crops grown on prevent plant acres this year to Sept. 1 rather than the original date of Nov. 1.



“This is very welcome news after a frustrating wet spring that caused many acres to go unplanted,” said Scott VanderWal, SDFB President. “We are very pleased that officials in Washington, D.C. listened to our concerns that Nov. 1 was far too late to graze or harvest cover crops.”

 VanderWal, a producer from Volga, S.D. added his appreciation to Secretary Sonny Perdue, Deputy Secretary Steve Censky and other members of President Trump’s administration who showed they care and worked to help mitigate a really bad situation.

South Dakota Farm Bureau along with the American Farm Bureau were instrumental in elevating concerns and requests to top USDA leadership and urging them to initiate a change in the date from Nov. 1 to Sept. 1.

 To learn more about South Dakota Farm Bureau visit