SDFB will award $8,000 in scholarship monies for 2024. Recipients are high school seniors and college students who themselves or parents/guardians are current members of South Dakota Farm Bureau and have been for at least two years.

Applicants could be considered for an agriculture-focused or community-focused scholarship, depending on their major and experience with agriculture.

The South Dakota Farm Bureau Scholarship Fund was established in 2005 by Richard and Agnes Ekstrum of Kimball, S.D. Richard served as South Dakota Farm Bureau's president from 1975 - 1995.

2024 SDFB Scholarship Winners include:

Agriculture Focus Scholarships

McKia Brink – Pierre, S.D., will be graduating from Beyond the Classroom & T.F. Riggs High School. She will attend Kansas State University, majoring in Ag-Econ/Pre-Vet with Equine Certificate.

Riata Bultje – Lake Andes, S.D., will be graduating from Andes Central High School and will attend South Dakota State University, majoring in Agriculture Education.

Olivia Hadrick – Faulkton, S.D., will be graduating from Faulkton High School and will attend South Dakota State University, majoring in Animal Science.

Carissa Scheel – Alpena, S.D., will be graduating from Wessington Springs High School and plans to attend Iowa State University, majoring in Pre-Veterinary Medicine.

Mataya Ward – Fruitdale, S.D., will be graduating from Belle Fourche High School and plans to attend Chadron State College, majoring in Agricultural Business.

Community Focus Scholarships

Gracie Fitzgerald – Philip, S.D., a graduate of Philip High School is attending South Dakota State University majoring in Human Biology.

Shannon Gebhart – Meadow, S.D., will be graduating from Lemmon High School and will attend Bismarck State College, majoring in Nursing.

Brylee Grubb – Spearfish, S.D., will graduate from Spearfish High School and plans to attend Gillette College, majoring in Exercise Science and Physical Therapy.

Paige Kjerstad – Quinn, S.D., will graduate from Wall High School and plans to attend Benedictine College, majoring in English.