South Dakota Farm Bureau Donates Life Saving Equipment to Fire Department
It seems simple. A single tube. But it’s something that could mean the difference between life and death in a grain bin. Thanks to a donation by the South Dakota Farm Bureau Centennial Community Initiative, producers in Brookings and Kingsbury counties will have this resource available to them.
“There are a lot of grain bins being added to farms in our area,” said Craig Weber, Brookings - Kingsbury County Farm Bureau President. “With the donation of rescue tubes and supporting equipment, members of the Arlington, Bruce and Sinai Fire Departments will have the tools and training they need to provide a higher level of service to our community.”
The donation will be recognized on Friday, September 22, 2017 at 10 a.m. at the Arlington Volunteer Fire Department in Arlington, S.D. Following the recognition, the new equipment will be on display.
Funding was made possible by a $5,000 donation from the South Dakota Farm Bureau combined with a $2,200 donation from the Brookings – Kingsbury County Farm Bureau. This is one of many SDFB Centennial Community Initiative projects that have been announced this summer. The SDFB Centennial Community Initiative is a grant program for community projects that serve a need in a community, make a difference, have high visibility and reflect Farm Bureau’s mission and vision. SDFB is investing $100,000 in local communities for community Improvement projects during its centennial year in 2017.