South Dakota Farm Bureau Leadership Hopeful for Next Step in International Trade Discussion

South Dakota Farm Bureau wants the new administration to take another look at international trade opportunities such as the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).

“We were disappointed that TPP was in trouble in Congress even before the President withdrew yesterday.” said South Dakota Farm Bureau President Scott VanderWal who also serves as the Vice President for the American Farm Bureau Federation. “We will work diligently with the Administration toward finding trade agreements that level the playing field for all industries. Agriculture almost always has been a winner in past trade agreements and hopefully will continue to be as we move into future partnerships.”

VanderWal says increased marketing opportunities for South Dakota farmers and ranchers would have given South Dakota producers a strong seat at the table when agreements were made and markets were opened up to agricultural products.

TPP would have created a single market for the U.S. and 11 countries that border the Pacific Ocean, including Canada, Mexico, and Chile. The largest goal of TPP was to maintain U.S. trade dominance in Asia.

“International trade is critical to the economic health of our industry,” added VanderWal. “We will continue to remind President Trump and his advisors of that fact as we move forward.”