South Dakota Farm Bureau Position Statements on 2016 Ballot Measures
South Dakota voters will be deciding ten ballot measures as part of the November 2016 general election.
South Dakota Farm Bureau is supporting Constitutional Amendment R
Amendment R would add one sentence to the South Dakota constitution adding language that Technical Schools are governed by the South Dakota Legislature. Currently all education levels are mentioned in the South Dakota Constitution EXCEPT tech schools.
This was passed by the 2015 Legislature 102 yes and 1 nay.
South Dakota Farm Bureau is opposing four of these measures.
• Initiated Measure 22 would revise state campaign finance laws, lobbying laws and reporting, create a taxpayer funded campaign finance program, create an ethics commission and appropriate up to $12 million for each election cycle. There are a number of constitutional questions raised by this proposed measure that was brought to South Dakota by a Massachusetts group. The American Farm Bureau Federation does not like taxpayer financing of campaigns.
• Initiated Measure 23 is a South Dakota law to allow certain organizations and groups to charge fees for services. This would end the South Dakota Right to Work laws as we know them. Again, a lot of out of state money will be coming in to support this measure.
• Constitutional Amendment T would change the constitutional process for redistricting the South Dakota Legislature. The South Dakota Constitution has provided for redistricting the Legislature after every census-every 10 years-by the Legislature. This amendment would place a nine member commission, appointed by the SD Elections Board, in charge. The SD Elections Board is an appointed Board by the Secretary of State Office. Members cannot hold a state, local or party office. Farm Bureau will be opposing this amendment to change the constitution.
• Constitutional Amendment V would establish in the South Dakota Constitution that all elections are non- partisan with the only exception being the United States President and Vice President. Open Primaries out of New York has denoted significant funding to this measure. Farm Bureau will be opposing this amendment to change the constitution.