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South Dakota Corn Growers Association Contact: Margaret Pennock, Director of External Affairs, Office: 605.334.0100 • Cell: 605.409.0030, Email: Margaretp@sdcorn.org, sdcorn.org

South Dakota Farm Bureau Contact: Brenda Dreyer, Marketing & Communications Director, Office: 605.353.8050 • Cell:605-290-8223, Email: brenda@sdfbf.org, www.sdfbf.org

South Dakota Soybean Association Contact: Mariah Kessler, Communications Director, Office: 605.330.9942, Email: mkessler@sdsoybean.org, sdsoybean.org

South Dakota Farm Bureau, South Dakota Corn Growers Association and South Dakota Soybean Association Support Payment to Landowners


SIOUX FALLS, SD, February 28, 2024 – The South Dakota Farm Bureau (SDFB), the South Dakota Corn Growers Association (SDCGA) and the South Dakota Soybean Association (SDSA) have announced support for a $1 per linear foot payment to landowners with a CO2 pipeline. HB 1186, which passed the House 40-24 on February 8, 2024, included the annual payment slated for landowners with carbon pipeline easements. 

“The SDCGA is working to back solutions that show respect for landowners. If a pipeline crosses a landowner’s property, we want them to get this payment.” stated Dave Ellens, President of the SDCGA.

Scott VanderWal, President of SDFB noted, “From the start, our organizations have advocated for landowners to be treated fairly and we believe it’s fair that those whose land is impacted by a pipeline project should receive an annual share of the profits from the pipeline.”

“Ensuring landowner protection, fair compensation, and a profitable future to keep soybean families in business is the goal of SDSA. We believe that linear payments for pipeline access are important”, said Kevin Deinert, President of SDSA.

 About South Dakota Corn Growers Association: Farmer Led and South Dakota Focused

South Dakota corn producers formed the SDCGA membership organization in 1986 to serve as a collective voice on issues at the state and national levels. The state is divided into nine districts for representation. SDCGA board of directors are elected by fellow South Dakota corn producers from their respective districts. SDCGA meets annually to pass resolutions and hold board elections.

About South Dakota Farm Bureau

South Dakota Farm Bureau (SDFB) is a grassroots membership organization established in 1917 when the first county Farm Bureaus banded together to create the state organization and today represents more than 13,000 farm, ranch and rural families.

About South Dakota Soybean

Founded in 1982, the South Dakota Soybean Association (SDSA) is a grassroots, farmer-led organization. Because the soybean checkoff is prohibited by law from lobbying, SDSA works to ensure that sound policies are in place to enhance the future of soybean farming. We work on behalf of our members to positively impact regulatory and legislative issues on a local, state and national level.