Learn, Grow and Lead is the theme of the first ever Midwest Collegiate Farm Bureau Conference taking place Oct. 11-13, 2019 at South Dakota State University in Brookings, S.D.

The three-day event includes workshops, motivational speakers and networking with collegiate Farm Bureau members from across the midwest.

“Our goal is to provide a transformative conference that is founded on Farm Bureau values and challenged by a collegiate Farm Bureau member perspective,” said Joslyn Hurlbert, South Dakota State University Collegiate Farm Bureau Chapter President. “Over the three-day schedule, attendees should gain new tools that will help them succeed as young professionals and also understand the value of being a part of the Farm Bureau organization.”

Vance Crowe, former Director of Millennial Engagement for Monsanto, Derrick Josi, owner of TDF Honest Farming, South Dakota Farm Bureau (SDFB) President Scott VanderWal, swing dancing and industry tours are just a few things on tap for the first annual conference. 

A complete schedule and registration information can be found at https://bit.ly/2lR4jSI. To learn more about South Dakota Farm Bureau, visit www.sdfbf.org.