Turner County Fair to unveil new building for this year's event
How does the oldest county fair in South Dakota keep growing and expanding? Community commitment and support is behind the latest addition to the Turner County Fair in Parker, S.D., where a new commercial building is being constructed to keep pace with growing demand from those who want to interact with over 80,000 attendees who take in the annual event.
Turner County Fair will unveil and host a ribbon cutting for the new Farm Bureau Commercial Building on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 10:30 a.m. at the fairgrounds in Parker. Over half the funds of the new building were contributed by Farm Bureau. The project was awarded a grant through the South Dakota Farm Bureau Centennial Community Initiative and Farm Bureau Financial Services provided an additional donation.
“The new Farm Bureau Commercial building at Turner County Fair fits well within SDFB’s 100-year commitment to rural communities throughout the state and underscores the organization’s dedication to our youth, 4-H and FFA organizations, and farmers and ranchers,” said Krystil Smit, SDFB Executive Director. “SDFB wants to be part of the growth and vibrancy of the state’s oldest county fair to ensure a strong future for youth activities and ways for farmers and ranchers to interact with consumers and community members. SDFB is proud to be taking part in the impact this new building will have at Turner County Fair.”
The SDFB Centennial Community Initiative provided $5,000 in support from SDFB, combined with $4,000 from Turner County Farm Bureau, $500 from Clay-Union Farm Bureau, $500 from Lincoln County Farm Bureau, $500 from Minnehaha County Farm Bureau as well as contributions from other Turner County community members. Farm Bureau Financial Services also added $25,000.
“Farm Bureau Financial Services is happy to contribute to a project designed to bring people together,” said Dan Koster, Vice President – Marketing & Sales Services. “After all, rural communities are the lifeblood of America and it’s important we help them thrive.”
The new Farm Bureau Commercial Building at Turner County Fair will be ready for the public to enjoy during this year’s fair, August 14-17.
This project is one of several SDFB Centennial Community Initiative projects that will be announced in the coming weeks. The SDFB Centennial Community Initiative is a grant program for community projects that serve a need in a community, make a difference, have high visibility and reflect Farm Bureau’s mission and vision. SDFB is investing $100,000 in local communities for community Improvement projects during its centennial year in 2017. To learn more about South Dakota Farm Bureau visit www.sdfbf.org.