Additional Resources

Additional Resources

In addition to the eight-part webinar series, below are additional resources on the beef and cattle industries and the many important issues impacting the industry.  Check back regularly to get the latest information!

AFBF Cattle market Working Group Final Report

AFBF Cattle Market Working Group Final Report

Market Updates

Mike Pearson, Zaner Group

Mike Pearson, Zaner Group

Pasture to Plate: Cattle and Beef Market Outlook - Mike Pearson, Zaner Group PowerPoint slides - August 6th presentation

Pasture to Plate: Cattle and Beef Market Outlook - Mike Pearson, Zaner Group PowerPoint slides - October 8th presentation

Cattle and Beef Supply Chain

Dr. Jayson Lusk credit Karen Lemley

COVID-19, Consumers, and the Food Supply Chain - Dr Jayson Lusk's PowerPoint slides

Boxed Beef & Fed Cattle Price Spread Investigation Report - USDA Report

The Road from Farm to Table -  article from Purdue University

Food and Agriculture Vulnerability Indexarticle from Purdue University



Mandatory Price Reporting and Price Discovery

Dr. Ted Schroeder


Mandatory Price Reporting and Price Discovery - Dr. Ted Schroeder, Kansas State University -  Recorded Webinar

What is Price Discovery - Dr. Ted Schroeder's PowerPoint slides

Minimum Negotiated Cattle Trade - White Paper from American Farm Bureau Federation

Livestock and Meat Marketing Study - Marketing Report commissioned by USDA conducted by Dr. Stephen Koontz and colleagues



Beef Labeling


Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (MCOOL) - White Paper from American Farm Bureau Federation

Report to Congress Economic Analysis of Country of Origin Labeling - full mCOOL study conducted by Dr. Glynn Tonsor and colleagues


Dr. Glynn Tonsor, Kansas State University

Voluntary Labels

Beef Labeling - Dr. Glynn Tonsor presentation slides

S. 2744 U.S. Beef Integrity Act - legislation proposed by Sen. Rounds (R-SD) regarding the voluntary Product of the U.S.A. label

USDA-FSIS Labeling Policies - learn more about what goes into a label on a beef product

FSIS Labeling Overview - Food Safety and Inspection Service presentation slides


International Trade

Red Meat Export Statisticscompiled by the U.S. Meat Export Federation

Exporting South Dakota Corn through U.S. Beef and Pork

Exporting South Dakota Soybeans through U.S. Beef and Pork

Dr. Derrell Peel

International Trade of Cattle and Beef - Dr. Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University -  Recorded Webinar
Passcode: jxS%2qT!

Global Beef Markets and U.S Beef and Cattle Trade- Dr. Derrell Peel presentation slides

Local Meat Processing

List of South Dakota Inspected Meat Establishments - from the South Dakota Animal Industry Board

Guidelines for the construction and operation of an official red meat establishment - from the South Dakota Animal Industry Board

Selling and Distributing Red Meat in South Dakota - from the South Dakota Animal Industry Board

Meat Inspecation in South Dakota: Requirements and Resourcesfrom SDSU Exension



Drought Monitor


SD State Drought Monitor