Promotional Material

FAST SDFB Promo Flyer

FAST Promo Flyer No Logo

Download the F@ST promotional flyer and customize it yourself. Hang up the flyers in your community to promote your DVD showing.


Information cards can be ordered by contacting South Dakota Farm Bureau either by email at or by calling (605) 350-8053. These cards provide contact information on the outside and emergency procedure steps on the inside. They make a great handout for those who view the DVD.


Download the Red Cross First Aid App on your smartphone and familiarize yourself with the app ahead of time so you'll be able to make full use of the information in case of an emergency. ?

Frequently Asked Questions

We encourage you to invite and include a medical professional in your presentation of F@ST!

How long is the DVD?

The DVD is 45 minutes in length, but is broken into nine individual segments if time does not allow viewing it in its entirety in one sitting.

What will I learn in the DVD?

The "First At Scene Training" (F@ST) DVD walks through re-enactments of nine common rural accident scenes while medical professionals and others offer instructions on what to do.

How will the information benefit my loved ones, organization and community?

In rural or agricultural setting, the first person to come upon an accident scene is most likely a family member or a friend. The DVD will help prepare people on what to do and what not to do in emergency situations so they can help the victim but also remain safe while waiting for help to arrive. We hope no one will have to use the information in this DVD, but if it does happen, this type of training can save lives!